The United States Department of Labor (DOL) has tentatively authorized an Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) exemption regarding pension plan risk transfer to a captive. This healthcare network is the first organization in history to receive ERISA approval to transfer pension risk in a captive. This is groundbreaking news, as it opens the doors for plan sponsors to better manage their risk related to defined benefit pension plans programs. In short, using captive insurance companies rather than traditional insurers alone gives plan sponsors the opportunity to fund their pension risk more cost effectively.

Their employees engage in groundbreaking cancer research and provide lifesaving care for patients. The employer engaged with Spring, to help design and implement this unique program for its retirement benefits. This included conducting actuarial analyses, navigating vendor and partner avenues, structuring transaction and direct contact with the DOL to work through the exemption process. Once approved, the employer is anticipated to receive $126.4 million in financial benefits from the DOL. As part of the terms of the exemption, the employer will be providing a one-time cost of living increase to the monthly retirement benefit to all plan participants and beneficiaries.

This is a groundbreaking next step in the evolution of risk management programs and set the stage for many other employers who are trying to structure a better program for their employees.