Director of Client Services/Brokerage Practice Leader.
Joined Spring:
I joined Spring in 2015, before Spring was acquired by Alera Group.
I am a New Englander through and through! I was born and grew up in Boston and lived in Jamaica Plain and Roslindale.
At Work Responsibilities:
As Spring’s Brokerage Practice Leader, I work directly with employers and carriers to implement top-tier employee benefits programs for employers of all sizes. Some of most common areas include group health plans, dental, life insurance, disability, and FSAs, HRAs & HSAs.
Outside of Work Hobbies/Interests:
I love being outdoors (when the New England weather allows!). Some of my favorite things to do outside of the office are hiking, fishing, boating, and sports.
Fun Fact:
Many people don’t know this, but I was actually an extra in the movie, “Blown Away”.
Describe Spring in 3 Words:
It’s very tough simplifying my nearly decade at Spring into just 3 words. But I guess I’d have to go with professional, caring, and reliable.
Favorite Movie/TV Show:
I enjoy the classics, my favorite movies are To Kill a Mockingbird and Casablanca.
Do You Have Any Children?:
Yes, I have two children, Ryan and Kaleigh, they’re both in their 20s now.
Favorite Food:
Italian and Japanese!
Favorite Place Visited:
Although these two places are almost polar opposites, my favorites are Italy and Alaska.
Favorite Band:
I love my 80s music, so I’ll have to go with U2.
Bucket List:
I really want to visit the Pyramids in Egypt.
If You Won the Lottery, What Would You Do With the Money?:
I would start a scholarship program for disadvantaged children, to help give them a full ride through college.