
Chief Property & Casualty Actuary
Joined Spring:
I joined Spring in 2017.
I’m from rural Wisconsin, about 30 miles south of Green Bay.
At-Work Responsibilities:
As Chief P&C Actuary, I lead our property & casualty team at Spring. This consists of performing actuarial feasibility studies, captive consulting for new and existing captive insurance companies and risk retention groups, reviewing captive applications and actuarial reserving studies for regulators, working with Alera brokers on collateral analysis and reserve studies and other actuarial analyses, developing new business and maintaining existing client relationships.
Outside of Work Hobbies/Interests:
I enjoy being outdoors, outside of the office I like fishing, boating and traveling.
Fun Fact:
In my early 20s, I took 2 years of a method acting class.
Describe Spring in 3 Words:
Collaborative intelligent team.
Favorite Movie:
Do You Have Any Children?:
Yes, I have 3 kids ages 24, 20, and 16.
If You Were a Superhero, Who Would You Be?