Our Senior Vice President, Teri Weber published an article explaining how employers can better gauge the efficiency of their leave management programs and highlight areas for process improvement using the secret shopper model. Check out the full article published by the Disability Management Employer Coalition (DMEC) here.

Coming out of our COVID haze, it can be difficult to remember a time when employers could be truly strategic and proactive without priorities evaporating due to lockdowns, staffing shortages, travel bans or taking a U-turn due to pressures in other areas of the business. The time is now to pivot back to your strategic plans related to employee benefits. We recommend the road to an optimal benefits program be lined with solutions to specific pain points and cultural considerations at your organization. However, I advise at least considering the following within your strategic roadmap to see if they are a fit and can close gaps within your current program. 

1) Employee Surveys

Priorities within your workforce have likely changed considerably in the past two to three years.  If you haven’t asked employees about their priorities related to employee benefits, it is time!  Some of your more traditional benefits or office-affiliated perks that may have been linked to attraction and retention in the past are no longer a value add to employees.  It is not enough to talk about perks and flexibility; needs must be better understood to ensure you are providing something that actually attracts and retains talent, instead of the

2) Lifestyle Accounts

Financial accounts within employee benefits are not new (e.g., a Flexible Spending Account), but recently employers have started using these account-based perks in different ways to fill a gap that exists in their offering while providing ultimate flexibility.  These accounts are taxable but can be used within the parameters set by the employer.  Organizations may use them to support just about anything, but common categories today include:

– Medical procedures that may not be covered within the medical plan (i.e., infertility services, elective procedures, etc.)
– Travel expenses for medical services
– Family-focused benefits (i.e., doula, etc.)
– Legacy wellness support (i.e., fitness equipment, fitness classes)

The beauty of these services is that they can be selected based on employee needs as well as organizational culture and budget.

3) Absence Policies and Processes

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are at the top of the list of internal initiatives, and goals are uniquely defined based on how much progress has already been made.  It goes without saying that DEI is critical to the success of all companies, but I think a key area of DEI that requires some additional attention is your corporate absence strategy.  Over the past few years, organizations have developed additional absence policies around COVID-19 and Monkey Pox, but there has also been a large push toward more family-focused leave of absences surrounding bereavement, parental leave, and the like.  It’s important that DEI initiatives within employee benefits focus not only on the services but also on the time off that may be required, and viewing this through the many lenses of your diverse workforce. 

4) Oncology Support

As benefits professionals, we have worked diligently to identify point solutions for high-cost and highly disruptive conditions.  While point solutions continue to be part of a strong strategy, most employers have or will see an increase in oncology prevalence and spend due, in part, to expensive treatments but primarily driven by disrupted or delayed care and screenings. 

Initial concerns with COVID-19 not only decreased primary care visits but snowballed, as providers later had limited appointments available due to overwhelming demand, which has translated into undiagnosed cancers.  Now as participants are getting back to their primary care physicians, many cancers have progressed further or upstaged, creating the need for more intense and complex treatment. 

In addition to the direct cost of cancer care, employee productivity is significantly less after a cancer diagnosis, even if that diagnosis is within their extended family. 

Spring encourages employers to seek a proactive and holistic approach to oncology support, including some or all the following:

– Monitor screening engagement
– Encourage prevention including reminders and other communications; consider incentives
– Educate and support initial and ongoing care decisions
– Concierge support
– Clinical support

Of paramount importance is to educate and engage employees before a diagnosis, so they know where to go for initial support.  Those first few weeks after a diagnosis are critical to setting the stage for appropriate treatment and clinical review and/or second opinions.  There are some free and buy-up options in the market provided by top-tier cancer care providers/facilities.  Those have brand recognition and are designed to provide unbiased support but, in many cases, they also funnel patients to their service centers.  Another consideration available is point solutions that are agnostic to cancer care providers/facilities and provide concierge support but do have an add-on charge, typically as a per employee per month (PEPM) or per referral model.

5) Healthcare Disparities

One of the most complex items that should be on your roadmap is to examine what healthcare disparities exist in your population. For starters, ensure multilingual communications are available to close healthcare gaps for those with language barriers.  From there, it is important to begin to stratify your population – if your size warrants – and begin to examine if health outcomes are impacted by race, location, earnings, and/or other social determinants of health.  This strategic initiative must be performed in collaboration with your insurers and third-party administrators and will take dedicated time to set a methodology and refine your findings over time.  The key is to at least get started by looking at the data and talking about how you can improve your understanding of the current state to work toward better data in the future.

Setting the strategic plan for your employee benefit package should be customized to your organization’s priorities and complexities that are identified through claims experience and survey information.  Given each organization has its own culture, demographics, and business priorities, it is impossible to set a perfectly standard list of considerations when it comes to your employee benefit strategy. But as you drive toward the best vision for your company – off in the horizon – be sure to stop along the way to check out these five hotspots of benefits planning.

Spring frequently helps employers assess different solutions, plans, and programs and build them into their roadmap. One client, edHEALTH, is currently organizing three solution committees to refine areas of opportunity and prioritize solutions based on demand and change readiness. 

Whether or not we have seen the worst of The Great Resignation, savvy employers are not new to adjusting their benefits and “perks” programs to better align with workforce desires. At the Disability Management Employer Coalition (DMEC) Annual Conference last week in Denver, I spoke specifically on whether Flexible Time Off (FTO) has taken over as the frontrunner, versus the more traditional Paid Time Off (PTO) approach. I thought you might be curious to know the answer, at least in my opinion, so I’m jotting down the key points from my presentation here.


As with so many things in business and in life, in order to clearly understand the current state of PTO, it’s critical to look back at the history of the concept. In 1910, President Taft proposed 2-3 months of required vacation, “in order to continue his work next year with the energy and effectiveness which it ought to have.” Countries like Germany, Sweden, and others were no strangers to this idea, and set forth on setting global standards regarding minimum levels of vacation. Today, the U.S. is one of only six countries in the world – and the only industrialized nation – without a national paid leave policy. So, what gives?

At least on paper, Americans seem to prefer work over vacation. You may be laughing or rolling your eyes, but it is a fact that significant time off goes unused at the end of the year (people choose to lose it rather than use it). In some cases, this may be the result of a corporate culture that, while they may document PTO programs, do not actually encourage the use of that time. If you’re expected to work while on vacation, you may not feel it worthwhile to take said vacation.


Over the years additional policies popped up to fill some of these gaps, such as leave related to COVID-19, sick leave, disability, parental leave, and family leave. Many organizations arrived at a PTO program in which an allocated number of days account for different types of leave which vary by employer, but might include vacation, bereavement, sick and personal leave. While this creates efficiency and reduces unscheduled absences, this design (perhaps inadvertently) encourages working while sick, as employees do not want to use days within their bucket when they have a cold, since those same days could be used on a tropical vacation or, on a less happy note, in the case of a personal or family emergency. This flaw went from acceptable to unacceptable in light of the pandemic, and turned some organizations off of PTO and on to FTO.


Flexible Time Off (FTO) allows for ultimate flexibility in the volume of “vacation” time taken. With the expectation that employees do their jobs, meet deadlines and achieve their individual and corporate goals, time for rest is scheduled at the discretion of managers. FTO however is not to be confused with unlimited vacation days. While a nice idea, some challenges exist around FTO, including:

Given these factors, however, FTO plans can be a powerful organizational tool. If you’re considering FTO, I recommend first answering the following questions:

The Big Reveal

FTO can bring a lot to the table for an organization: it is unlikely to result in more time off (than before), it is financially savvy, a good recruiting tool, and relatively easy to implement. On the flip side, however, I noted some real challenges. In the end, and if you read this article for the clickbait title, my investigative answer is no: FTO is not the new PTO. It should however be considered as one tool within the absence management toolbox, and assessed according to your individual employer needs and priorities.

After a short hiatus, The Disability Management Employer Coalition (DMEC) was able to host their 2022 Annual Conference in-person for the first time since the pandemic started. DMEC is one of the leading organizations in the paid leave industry and their annual conference brings together employers, vendors, government officials, lawyers and more to network and discuss leading trends in the business. This year also marked the 30th anniversary of the creation of DMEC, furthermore solidifying itself as a staple in the world of disability management. It was great seeing so many familiar faces from the industry and learning more about what’s keeping industry professionals up at night. This year’s conference took place in Denver, CO and Spring had the pleasure of both exhibiting and presenting.

Although this year’s conference covered a wide range of topics, I noticed the following three key themes.

1) FMLA & ADA Challenges

Although compliance is often a hot button topic at DMEC, this year there was a specific emphasis on maneuvering around FMLA & ADA challenges. Presenters tackled FMLA & ADA challenges from a range of angles including changes in guidance, a Q&A with federal agency leaders, and a mock trial where the attendees acted as the jury. Some of the of the FMLA & ADA related presentations this year included:

2) Support for Caregivers and Healthcare Workers

Although COVID has settled a bit in severity, caregivers and healthcare workers are still facing high rates of burnout and overworking, without receiving much federal support. Also, in the past 50 years we have seen the highest rates of children and elderly parents in the home, often requiring some type of care, most often unpaid care by a family member. During this year’s conference, presenters tackled the issue of mental health for employees assuming the role of a caregiver and how employers can offer needed support. Below are some of the groundbreaking presentations tackling this issue.

3) The Future of Leave

As we tentatively look beyond the COVID-19 era, there was a huge emphasis this year on what we can expect from the disability and leave management industry moving forward. During the pandemic many employers adjusted to remote/hybrid leave policies, introduced new mental health resources and navigated changing COVID regulations. But as we slowly move into a post-COVID world, many speakers, such as those noted below, looked at new-age alternative leave policies and what we can expect for the future of leave.

a) Utilizing Tech & Data

When looking at the future of leave management, we are seeing a giant increase in leave related tech and software, which allows employers to better understand leave trends and preferences within their workforce. Although tech and data collection software are not new in the industry, we are seeing constant updates and an influx of new software that help measure different facets of absence management policies. Below are a few tech & data related sessions we wanted to spotlight.

b) Moving Past COVID-19

As many organizations slowly move back into the office, employers have been developing and reassessing return-to-work programs and reevaluating leave policies to keep their workforce happy. On a national level, we are seeing changes in COVID-related compliance and a big push to retain talented employees through enhanced benefits packages. Here are some noteworthy sessions related to adjusting to a post-COVID world.

All in all, being back at the DMEC Annual Conference in-person was a powerful experience! This year I saw so many young and enthusiastic faces which is a good sign for the future of the industry. DMEC never fails to provide innovative insights into the absence and disability management landscape while providing a fun and interactive experience, and I am already looking forward to their next event.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Disability Management Employer Coalition.

Check out this background on DMEC, including inputs from our Senior Vice President, Karen English

I had the pleasure of speaking at The New England HR Association (NEHRA)’s Annual Legal Summit a couple weeks ago. The summit brought together attorneys, CEOs, insurance experts and HR professionals to discuss changes in regulations and laws that directly impact the workplace experience of employees. Some of the major topics discussed included how to adapt to a hybrid workforce, how to know who to hire during and cultural and legal considerations when facing substance use and mental health issues in the workplace. All in all, the conference was a great success and allowed for fantastic networking opportunities and provided guidance around a range of compliance considerations that apply to countless employers nationwide.

During NEHRA’s Legal Summit, I presented on, Piecing Together the Puzzle of the Paid Leave Landscape, in which I dove into history of Paid Family & Medical Leaves (PFML) in the US and explained the current landscape of which states provide PFML (and to what degrees). I moved on to show breakdowns on a global level for paid leave for new fathers, new mothers and for an employee with a health problem. As you’ve probably heard, data shows that the US is far behind when it comes to enacting federal legislation that provides paid family leave in comparison to the rest of the world. Without federal paid leave policies, it has fallen on individual states to create, enact and enforce paid leave policies. Of the fifty states in the US, 23 have rejected PFML proposals and have no safety net for employees who face medical or family issues that would require time off work, unless a program is provided by their employer.

After addressing some of the global and national trends, I explained some of the barriers of access to paid family leave within the US. For instance, women are 20% more likely to leave their jobs when they don’t have access to paid leave and 25% of new mothers return to work less than two weeks after giving birth1. Additionally, when breaking down access to paid leave based on race, research conducted by the National Partnership for Women & Families found that 28% of black respondents reported having requests for leave denied, compared to 9% of white workers. It is clear even within states or organizations that provide some form of paid leave, many Americans are facing very different realities when trying to utilize or understand their paid leave options.

As this was a legal summit, I tackled some of the major questions employers ask about leave surrounding compliance, costs, and leave options if they reside in a state that does not provide PFML. I reviewed some best practices employers can take when developing and evaluating leave policies such as leveraging benchmarks, looking into funding options (e.g. self-insurance, captive insurance, etc.), and utilizing technology and appropriate metrics to evaluate financial impacts. I also noted that different perspectives must be considered when developing leave policies. For instance, employees have different priorities; they are often worried about job security, getting paid and workload upon return when assessing taking paid leave. On the flip side, navigating leave from an employer perspective can be a daunting task when having to traverse FMLA, state laws, ADA/ADAAA, HIPAA, discrimination laws and more; so, it is essential to utilize resources to make sure your company is abiding by all regulatory standpoints.

All in all, I was in great company at the NEHRA legal summit! As per usual, NEHRA hosted some of the leading experts in the field and tackled major topics employers and HR professionals are facing currently. I hope to see many of you again during NEHRA’s 2022 Annual Conference in October.

Featuring research and insights form Spring, check out this article in BenefitsPRO explaining that where federal lawmakers have failed, states and employers have been stepping into the gap.

A Recap of NEEBC’s Beyond the Basics (Level 2) Event

Last week I had the honor of presenting at the New England Employee Benefits Council (NEEBC)’s Health & Welfare: Beyond the Basics (Level 2) event. The event provided great insights into how employers can adapt their corporate culture and provide strong benefits to attract and retain top-tier talent. Sessions focused on the following four critical areas of health and welfare: healthcare, data analytics, lifestyle accounts, and employee absence.

health and welfare benefits

David Chamberlain from Brown & Brown clarified the difference between health and wellness and steps employers can adopt to promote preventative care. He later dove into the differences and advantages of discount analysis verses repricing and how this all ties into pharmaceutical needs. Finally, he outlined the landscape of Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) and how new disrupters such as Amazon Pharmacy are able to provide pharmaceutical capabilities for people with and without insurance.

Mary Delaney from Vital Incite explored the need for data when developing benefits strategies. She explained how data such as age, gender, medication patterns, likeliness of hospitalization and other indicators are essential when developing a health/medical insurance plan. Lastly, she explains how this data can be collected through employee needs surveys and analyses of national health data trends.

Firstly, Jennifer Aylwin from Vertex Pharmaceuticals gave a short background on lifestyle accounts (LSAs) and how they can appeal to a range of employee needs. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees are now working in a hybrid or remote setting, and LSAs are a good practice to keep those employees content and engaged. She ended her presentation with an exercise where the audience was able to develop a business case for leadership consideration of LSAs.

As for absence management, I had the pleasure of presenting on this topic. I started by exploring some of the benefits of adopting integrated absence management policies, such as reducing administrative costs and fostering a positive corporate culture where employees feel valued. I ended by showing how strong absence policies paired with effective communication of those policies have proven to provide a better experience for employees and greater workplace efficiency.

All in all, it has been great finally being able to see so many familiar faces in person again. As we adjust to a post-pandemic life, it is essential that we implement health and welfare strategies that match the need of employees currently. Keep an eye out for Spring at upcoming NEEBC events here.

As seen in the New England Benefits Council (NEEBC) blog.

We are one year into eligible Massachusetts employees being able to apply for paid leave benefits under the Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) program. Although stats for the MA PFML Rookie Year have not been released yet, the first six months were telling:

While we await data for season of 2021, let’s dissect the highs and lows and see if MA PFML has a shot at Rookie of the Year!

Let’s start with the highs:

The plan appears to be running at a sustainable level with sufficient funding, indicated by a reduction in contribution rates, which is good for residents of the Commonwealth.

Employers were able to successfully create private plans without significant hurdles in the process, allowing MA firms to continue their history of rich benefit designs without negatively impacting corporate plans.

Massachusetts has been a strong example of early and broad education of the program. Individuals in the state were told about benefits that may be available to them in plenty of time before the program went live, giving them the opportunity to ask questions and better understand what their experience might be in the case they need leave. The state hosted various webinars to different audiences, providing real time information and continuous updates on the status of the program’s launch. The website houses a multitude of helpful information and is continually updated. For questions not answered in these channels, individuals may also call the DFML for benefit questions or the Department of Revenue (DOR) for questions concerning private plans or contributions, and the state is typically always able to answer even in-depth questions.

While the state has had multiple home runs implementing a PFML program, just like evaluating Rookies of the Year like Jonathan India and Kyle Lewis, we need to think of the swing-and-a-miss situations as well. The most significant strike for the MA PFML was their system:

Just like anyone’s first year in the pros, our first year with MA PFML threw us curveballs we did not expect, and as a result, we have learned some important lessons. The ever-evolving landscape of PFML laws has put pressure on employers with employees across the country, as they try to meet employee needs while balancing corporate responsibilities and equity. As we all become more seasoned players in this complex game of leave, Spring has outlined some best practices for employers handling PFML:

The replay we are watching the most, however, is that COVID-19 significantly increased the complexity of such a program. The need for leave has been exacerbated. Difficulty hiring employees has affected employers who must keep up productivity while more employees are away from their jobs, and the state had to administer a new leave program under less-than-ideal conditions. In addition, the tremendous growth of remote work has made it difficult for employers to determine where an employee may be eligible for leave.

Overall, workforces are evolving and regulations at the local, state and federal level need to be continually monitored. As we see benefits become available under new programs, such as CT PFML, and other states pass bills to develop PFML programs, such as New Hampshire and Maine, employers will need to assess their strategies and evolve accordingly.