According to SHRM, paid leave may have been 2020’s biggest workplace news.  A number of U.S. companies (between 27% and 52% depending on the study) expanded their paid leave benefits, with paid parental leave growing at a faster pace than paid family care leave. The states and jurisdictions of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Washington DC have passed paid family and medical leave (PFML) laws to date and at least another ten states are considering them. In addition, numerous localities have passed paid sick and safe leave laws. These can vary across cities and counties, even within a given state.

On a federal level, laws exist such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), enacted in 1993, which affords unpaid job-protection, and programs such as the Fischer Tax Credit, the Federal Employee Paid Leave Act (FEPLA), and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Federal programs offer limited coverage as wage replacement and job protection may or may not be included in each law. A federal paid leave program is now seemingly supported by both democratic and republican parties, with the biggest difficulty being how to pay for it. 

In addition, and to complement paid leave policies, more companies are offering and triggering EAP and wellness programs than they have in the past. About a fourth of companies say they provide a caregiver benefit, separate from EAP, that might include flexible work hours, personal time, counseling services, free programs for finding and managing care, employer subsidized online resources, child, or eldercare. You can read more about the landscape for caregiver benefits here.

Taking these factors into account gives benefit professionals the opportunity to heighten the discussion with senior management, consider plan and policy design more holistically and determine administration that will minimize employee confusion, position managers for stronger engagement, and lead the organization towards better outcomes. 


Leave and Flexible Working Survey, SHRM Employee Benefits, 2019.  Paid Time Off Survey, WorldatWork and PTO Inc., 2019. Integrated Disability, Absence and Health Management Survey, Spring Consulting Group, 2020.

Integrated Disability, Absence and Health Management Survey, Spring Consulting Group, 2020.

Data compiled by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 2018. 

Paying the Way, Large Employers and the State Paid Leave Patchwork, The ERISA Industry Committee, 2020.

Paid Leave: Exploring the Impacts to Other Benefits Programs, Spring Consulting Group and ClaimVantage, 2020

As seen in Captive Insurance Company Reports (CICR)

For most companies today, its people are one of the largest investments its makes. COVID-19 accentuated this point and further showed us how the health of a company depends in large part on the health and wellbeing of its workforce. Providing competitive benefits is not just the right thing to do, but a sound business decision. Employee benefits usually account for one of the largest expense line items on an income statement for organizations. In a world where employee benefits consistently become both more important and more expensive, businesses of all types are looking for an affordable mechanism to finance these risks.  One solution that has become central to discussions about employee benefits has been captive insurance.

To provide some background, a captive is an insurance or reinsurance company – which can help insure or reinsure the risks of its owners, the parent company (or companies).

Employee Benefits & Captives

Over the past decade as healthcare and benefit costs have been rising, captives have become the go-to solution for organizations looking to bend the healthcare cost curve as well as create a more efficient employee benefits program.  More recently, however, organizations are recognizing the many qualitative advantages of a captive that can help attract and retain employees- a company’s most import asset. As we enter a new decade, these qualitative advantages or “soft costs” of human capital will drive the next iteration of captive insurance.  

Traditionally, captives have been viewed as purely a funding mechanism for employee benefits that provides the following advantages:

Cost savings can be yielded through: better control of premium costs, reduced frictional costs (commissions, taxes, insurer profit, administration), captured underwriting savings, earned investment returns, and improved cash flow for the parent organization.

In our view, the next generation of captive insurance will have a sharper focus on the soft costs of human capital, such as:

While employee benefits account for large costs for employers, they are running a significant risk by not providing the right benefits. By establishing a captive, employers can open doors to focus on human capital and the more qualitative aspects of a program. Further, a captive allows for customized benefits programs to meet the needs of your unique demographic. Employees a technology company will have different priorities and expectations than, for example, those that work in manufacturing. With a captive you can understand and meet those unique needs better than you could with a commercial carrier, in a cost-effective manner. This will go a long way with retention and engagement, and will make your employees feel their voices are heard.

Another intangible result of a captive program is the parent organization’s ability to capture enhanced data analytics. This data comes in months sooner than it would with a commercial carrier, meaning you can analyze your programs and make real-time decisions to yield better claims results. For example, if you know one of your biggest population health issues is diabetes, you can establish programs to address diabetes before your renewal is up. With commercial carriers, the information comes in too late to make changes for that plan year.

Which Benefits Can I Fund Through a Captive?

A wide range of employee benefits may be funded through a captive – the most common coverages are Medical, Life, Disability, Retiree Medical and Voluntary Benefits.

Captives can be used to fund Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), or non-ERISA benefits. ERISA benefits are primarily the benefit plans sponsored by and contributed to by employers. Life and Disability plans are usually ERISA in nature. These plans are subject to federal oversight, under the auspices of the Department of Labor (DOL) and require express approval from the DOL to fund them in a captive. Approval from the DOL is subject to meeting certain criteria – using an A rated fronting carrier, not paying any more than market rates for the coverages, no direct commissions as part of the contract, requirement for an indemnity contract, to name a few.

Medical stop-loss is usually not considered to be subject to ERISA and has become an extremely popular benefit to add to a captive. The reason for this has been two-fold. Firstly, the rising cost of catastrophic claims. Self-insured organizations are increasingly concerned about the financial impact of high-cost claims – unfortunately seeing $1M or $2M claims is becoming commonplace. One such large claim could have a material impact on the financial sustainability of the program. Second, the hardening insurance market is driving employers of all sizes towards a captive based stop-loss solution, as it reduces the opaqueness of the pricing process and helps employers get a much clearer understanding of their premiums and cost drivers. Usually a captive stop-loss program involves the employer creating an annual aggregate limit, and purchasing excess coverage from the commercial markets above the captive’s aggregate retention. Thereby, protecting the captive from most catastrophic claims.

Long-tail benefits such as group universal life insurance and long-term disability are ideal captive candidates. Benefits that pay out over multiple years (e.g. long-term disability and retiree medical), provide cash flow stability and loss predictability.

Using a captive for voluntary benefits has recently risen in popularity. This is a cost-efficient way of offering benefits that your employees can choose to participate in, or not. More and more employers are turning to this strategy as healthcare becomes more expensive, as a way to supplement benefits and lessen both their financial burden and the financial burden faced by their employees. One of the most attracting elements of writing voluntary benefits into your captive is that voluntary benefits typically have a very low loss ratio, which means they can generate a lot of savings within a captive. Those savings can then be leveraged to reduce premiums for employees or expand the coverage offered. An example of a prime voluntary benefit often offered in a captive structure is hospital indemnity, which can be critically helpful coverage, but one that is often otherwise too expensive to fund.

How it Works

Unlike property and casualty lines of coverage, employee benefit lines have a unique value proposition. They allow organizations to recapture dollars that would have otherwise gone to an insurance carrier. Both life and disability coverages use a fronted carrier, i.e. a commercial carrier stands in front of the captive so that from an employee perspective there is no change in the way they interact with the insurance company. On the back end, the carrier cedes risk and premiums to the captive.

The following illustrates how a typical fronted captive program works.

Captive insurance structure
Fronted captive program structure

Under such an arrangement the fronting insurer to continue to administer the program. The employer pays the fronting insurer an annual fee for its services, allowing the captive to retain underwriting profit (if any) from the program. Depending on the risk appetite of the organization and the results of the actuarial modeling – the employer may choose to buy reinsurance for the program.

In Closing

The typical steps involved in adding benefits to an existing captive or forming a new captive are a feasibility study which outlines qualitative and quantitative factors for consideration, such as potential savings, program structures, design alternatives, insurance considerations, and implementation requirements.

Today those in the insurance industry are facing difficult circumstances on a variety of fronts. The recent pandemic has led to hardening of markets. We are seeing substantial rate increases for clients. Captives offer a solution to mitigate these increasing costs in a sustainable manner. In addition, captives provide access to additional data and insights that can help organizations get a clearer understanding of claims drivers and therefore allow for implementation of solutions and tools that reduce claim costs. Further, captives provide organizations the ability to impact the soft costs of human capital by identifying and crafting unique solutions to meet their employees’ needs, more important now as the pandemic shed light on gaps in coverage many did not realize existed.

Captives are useful and versatile risk financing tools, especially for employee benefits. They provide significantly better cash management than can be provided through a trust and can produce impressive cost savings as compared to fully insured guaranteed cost plans.

We hope we’ve piqued your interest and we’re here for you.  Over the next months, we will dive further into employee benefits captives to cover things like types of captives, moving to a self-insured program, medical stop-loss, feasibility studies, solutions for small and mid-sized businesses and more. We hope you’ll keep reading.

“Why do I need a broker?” This is a question that surprisingly gets asked more than you would expect. In today’s society of consumerism, the internet, and “do it yourself” mentality, tied with the desire to save money, this is a valid question. I would ask in turn – would you go to court without legal representation? Of course not. It makes financial sense to use a broker as in most cases, you do not get charged for their services. Typically, brokers are paid by the insurance carrier, the one that you jointly decide best meets your needs as an employer. More importantly, brokers protect your best interests as an objective third party. There is no specific financial incentive for brokers to decide on one insurance provider over another.

An insurance broker acts as an intermediary between you and your insurer, lessening the administrative burden for you and negating the need for you to weed through complex policy jargon. We bring over 200 years of training and experience and our insurance know-how, and our goal is to always find a policy that best suits your coverage needs at the best possible price. Brokers do the shopping and analysis on your behalf, saving you the time of plodding through quotes from various carriers and trying to determine the optimal solution. We provide impartial advice based on the client’s unique situation.

Some of the benefits of using an insurance broker are:

These are very important considerations for you to take into account when deciding if a broker is right for you. The alternative is to spend a lot of your own time educating yourself, taking away valuable time from your day job and family. Insurance brokers go through strict educational and licensing requirements and have significant knowledge in the industry. Our deep understanding of your local market and the players involved ultimately yield enhanced, cost-effective coverage for you.

All that said, it’s important to note that not all brokers are the same. Some have specialized services and products or are focused on specific markets. For example, there are brokers with expertise in the property and casualty or life insurance areas but that just dabble in health insurance. Today some payroll companies are even offering employee benefit services as well but again, their bread and butter is payroll, not benefits. To offer an analogy – you would not go to a foot doctor to address a heart condition, so make sure your broker’s core competencies are the ones you need. 

In summary, your insurance needs are best met by a broker who works for you and not by an insurance company, who have their own interests to look out for. Brokers yield more choices, usually at a much lower cost to you and your business. Unless you happen to be an expert in insurance plans, why risk the headache and lose the resources needed to do it on your own? Further, a consultative broker like Spring will take the time to truly understand your business so we can constantly be on the lookout for new and innovative solutions that will align with your objectives.  

People are typically the largest investment a company makes. Taking care of those people through employee benefits is a niche area of your business, and you need an insurance broker who has the training and expertise necessary in today’s complicated and competitive marketplace. Spring’s approach to brokerage is collaborative and strategic, but we ultimately remove the legwork for you and ensure you have the best plan options available.

In this Rockstars Rocking podcast episode our Senior Vice President, Teri Weber explains how to navigate employee leave through a strategic absence management plan.

Due to COVID-19 we are now experiencing uncharted territory as we approach open enrollment. Check out this article that spotlights some of what we can expect this open enrollment season.

2020 has been a roller coaster of a year so far, and many people are questioning what this means in the world of health insurance moving forward. Check out this recap from BenefitsPRO’s webinar that spotlights steps employers cant take to prepare for an especially daunting enrollment season.

Our Managing Partner and Senior Vice President, Karin Landry and Karen English share their thoughts on how to develop strategic employee benefits plans in an article on HR Tech Outlook. Check out the full piece here.

As the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting more and more organizations worldwide and shifting what employees are seeking in healthcare. Here are 7 predictions we can expect to see in healthcare as the pandemic continues, written by our Managing Partner, Karin Landry.

Check out this episode of Global Captive Podcast, where our Managing Partner, Karin Landry explains what employee benefits need Department of Labor (DoL) approval and what processes and timelines are involved.